Before installing TARGIT Decision Suite your system must adhere to the requirements listed below.
- 64 bit version of Windows server 2016 or newer.
- .NET Framwork 4.7.2 or newer.
The TARGIT Server will need a Data Warehouse to be connected to, and typically, this would be a MS SQL Server including Analysis Services. But it might also be a TARGIT InMemory database, e.g. created from TARGIT Data Discovery.
The Data Warehouse does not need to be stored on the same physical machine as the TARGIT Server. In a small setup, e.g. a development setup, all components, SQL Server, Analysis Services , TARGIT InMemory and TARGIT Server may be installed on the same physical machine and still provide a reasonable performance.
TARGIT Windows client:
- Windows 8.1, Windows 10 or Windows 11.
- .NET Framwork 4.7.2 or newer.
For TARGIT Anywhere:
- Internet Information Services (IIS) must be installed.
If you do a manual installation of TARGIT Anywhere:
- ASP.NET Core hosting must be installed.
For TARGIT Data Discovery:
- Internet Information Services (IIS) ASP.NET 4.5 must be installed.
- WCF Activation over port and http.
For TARGIT InMemory:
Enough memory to contain the data in the dababase, at least 16GB for a base install.
In general, make sure your system environment is fully updated, i.e. operating system and any data warehouses are fully updated with the latest service packs and updates.
od, are there any general recommendations for CPU and memory?
What are the minimum requirements for the Spring 2022 version?
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