Most TARGIT Designers have experienced this: You want to highlight rows or columns or individual cells on with an agent with a specific rule - but, unfortunately, the impression is more or less ruined because blank or empty cells seem to not follow this rule.
The trick is to "duplicate" the cells. Rather than being blank, the duplicated cells will now contain a value (zero) - and that is all that is required for an agent to actually work on that cell.
Great tip - thanks Ole!
This is helpful.
But another Question, regarding such a calender, is how to visualize cells that have no value in ALL rows (Like in the example of your video). What, if NO Salesperson has a Value for July? The result is, that it is also complete unvisible and you have a lag in your calender view. I tried with "new Row Calculation an set a 1 as value, but no access.
What I did: I have measures like "number of days" or "number of months". I added this, because it has always a value and hided it in the visibility options.
Is there another way, if your Measures don't have such a Measure which is "always present"?
BR Marc
Hi Marc,
The solution you described is probably the one I would suggest as well.
Another alternative is to enable "Show empty members" (right click, Data). The downside of this approach is that it will enable empty members for all dimensions in the crosstab. In my example, not only empty months will be shown, but also empty salespersons will be shown. However, the latter may then be hidden by a visibility agent.
BR / Ole
Hi Ole,
I have a Crosstab displaying months and their corresponding values, similar to the one Marc described, where some months have no values.
When I right-click, go to Data and select Include empty members, the entire Crosstab turns blank.
From what I can tell, there don’t appear to be any visibility filters or other settings applied locally in the Crosstab that would explain why this happens.
Can you help me?
Kind regards.
Hi Jacob,
That is indeed an unexpected behavior of 'include empty members'.
What type of connection are we talking about? Standard MDX/OLAP or Tabular/DAX or InMemory or Data Discovery ... ?
BR / Ole
Hi Ole

It's our Prisme economy data (Fujitsu), OLAP, MS Analysis Services connection,
This is the Crosstab:
Hi Jacob,
All right.
Be aware - when you activate 'include empty members' it will include empty members not only for your 'Month' dimension, but also for your 'Kontoplan Aktivitet' dimension and for your 'Kredit navn' dimension and for your 'Posterings tekst' dimension and for your 'Bilagsnummer' dimension and for your 'Art' dimension.
So when you activate 'include empty members' for that many dimensions (assuming they really are individual dimensions), you may end up with a lot of empty rows.
I am not sure how TARGIT will handle this. Maybe it will turn up blank as you describe, or maybe you are just seeing the top of a huge table where the first many rows are entirely blank...?
What happens if you add a visibility agent (after you activated 'include empty members')? The visibility agent should hide rows, based on this condition: count(all, 0, m1) = 0
BR / Ole
Hi Ole
Right after activating 'Include empty members', the Crosstab shows the message 'No data to display with your current selection of criteria'.
If I add a visibility agent, that hides rows based on count(all, 0, m1) = 0 the Crosstab is unchanged.
The Crosstabs filter information:

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