Example: Web box, Youtube videos autoplay and loop

When you upload a video to Youtube - either private or public - you can get a shareable link to your video. The shareable link has this format:

  • https://youtu.be/[video ID]

The video ID may be something like this: X-9r2kCBIp2


To use the Youtube video in a TARGIT Web box, you should insert URL like this:

  • https://youtube.com/embed/[video ID]


You can add further parameters to the URL for options like autoplay, loop etc. In this example, autoplay and loop have been enabled, while controls (play, pause, forward etc. buttons) have been disabled

  • https://youtube.com/embed/[video ID]?autoplay=1&mute=1&loop=1&playlist=[video ID]&controls=0


  • 'autoplay=1' and 'mute=1' must both be set to enforce autoplay
  • 'loop=1' and 'playlist=[video id]' must both be set to enforce loop
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