TARGIT is not just 'TARGIT'. Many companies and workplaces have TARGIT installed, and while the core installation may be identical, there are a few ways you can expand your TARGIT installation with regard to servers, clients, users, add-on modules etc.
The purpose of this article is to give you an overview of all of these options.
The Core: TARGIT Decision Suite
The core of all TARGIT installations is the TARGIT Server. The TARGIT server cannot stand alone - you will also need a couple of clients. As a bare minimum you will need these TARGIT components to get going:
- The TARGIT Server. This is the central service that handles all communication between the Data Warehouse and the end-users. All requests from the end-users (opening dashboards, applying filters, expanding crosstabs etc.) is forwarded through the TARGIT Server to the connected Data Warehouse. In response, all matching data from the Data Warehouse is returned to the end-user client.
- The TARGIT Management client. This client is necessary, not least in order to create a connection to your Data Warehouse(s). In general, you can say that the TARGIT Management client is the tool you need to configure and manage your TARGIT Server. E.g., you will use the TARGIT Management client to attach a mail server to your TARGIT installation - to facilitate sending automated, scheduled reports from your TARGIT system. It is also in the TARGIT Management client that you will manage everything with regard to Data Governance - using Rights and Roles to define what users are allowed to do, and what data users are allowed to see.
- The TARGIT Designer Client. At least one of these clients is required to start working with your data. See the Designer Client description below.
As mentioned a couple of times, you will of course also need some kind of Data Warehouse holding your data of interest. E.g., you can connect directly to a SQL Server Analysis Services database (tabular or multidimensional). You can connect to many other kinds of Data Warehouses as long as it has a well defined Data Model. If it hasn't, you can create one.
If you do a trial installation of the TARGIT Decision Suite, the TARGIT Server will automatically connect to a Demo Data Warehouse with a full Data Model. You will even get a number of pre-defined Demo dashboards and reports to go along with the trial installation.
Client types
Your license includes a number of Designer users as well as a number of Consumer users, typically in a ratio 1:10. E.g., in a medium sized company you may have licenses for 10 Designer user clients and 100 Consumer user clients.
- The TARGIT Designer Client. The TARGIT Designer client is a Windows application - typically it is installed directly on the Designer user's PC. This is the end-user client that you will use to design dashboards and reports from the available data. You can also use this client as a Consumer client - for opening and working with already existing dashboards and reports. However, if your role is purely a Consumer user role, then we recommend you work with the Consumer-specific Anywhere client instead.
- The TARGIT Anywhere Client - the pure Consumer client. The Anywhere client is a browser based client. In other words, nothing needs to be installed from an end-user's perspective to start using the Anywhere client. Just open a browser and type in the proper URL to get access to the TARGIT Anywhere client. The Anywhere client is a pure Consumer client. You can open pre-defined dashboards and reports with the Anywhere client, you can filter, slice and dice the data in these documents, and you can export results to Excel or PDF. You cannot edit the design of existing dashboards and reports, nor can you create new ones with the Anywhere client.
Included Modules
If your TARGIT installation is running with a Subscription pricing model, then all modules in this section is included in your license. All new TARGIT installation are based on the Subscription pricing model. If you are running a legacy pricing model, a Perpetual pricing model, some of the modules in this section are optional and may require an expansion of your existing license.
Mobility module
Included for Subscription. Optional for Perpetual.
The Mobility module makes sure that you connect to the TARGIT Server with mobile devices and even with the browser based Anywhere client.
For the Browser based Anywhere client to work, you will first need to configure the Anywhere web site on an Internet Information Server (IIS). This is easily done with the Anywhere Configuration tool. See this guide: https://community.targit.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017096277-TARGIT-Anywhere-Installation-and-Configuration
For TARGIT's mobile application for tablets or smartphones, search for 'TARGIT' in your AppStore or in Google Play.
Data Discovery module
Included for Subscription. Optional for Perpetual.
The Data Discovery module enables end-users to connect to their own data sources - e.g., an Excel file or an online weather data service. The Data Discovery module offers a simple, semi-automatic data modelling tool to make such ad-hoc data available for analytical purposes in a matter of minutes, or even seconds.
Online Data Providers module
Data Discovery and InMemory comes with a lot of built-in Online Data Providers. Examples: Weather data, European Central Bank currency rates, Statistics Denmark etc.
A few online data providers still requires an additional check in the license setting - although, these should be included for Subscription pricing models by default. These data providers are:
- SalesForce
- Jobindsats
- Dynamics 365 Business Central
- Custom Data Provider
Enterprise Reporting (legacy)
The Enterprise Reporting module is a legacy module that, as long as it exists in our licensing model, should be included for all new installations.
The Enterprise Reporting module without the Enterprise Distribution module will grant access to:
- Scheduled job for Report layouts (to PDF).
- Scheduled job for Slideshows (to HTML).
- Distribution options: Email and Folder only.
Add-on Modules
The Add-on Modules are not included with the standard installation of TARGIT Decision Suite. If any of these modules are required, access must be granted by a TARGIT Account Manager, and an additional charge may be associated with it.
Add-on: Enterprise Distribution
The Enterprise Distribution module enables many of the advanced features related to TARGIT's Scheduling offering.
Scheduling options without the Enterprise Distribution add-on license:
- Scheduled job for Report layouts (to PDF).
- Scheduled job for Slideshows (to HTML).
- Distribution options: Email and Folder only.
In addition, the Enterprise Distribution add-on license will enable:
- Scheduled job for Dashboard layouts (to graphical format, PDF or HTML).
- Scheduled job for table data (to CSV, Excel or XML).
- Distribution options: Publishing and Subscription.
- Batch distribution.
Add-on: Generic Embedding
For Subscription, Generic Embedding is included with Enterprise Distribution. For Perpetual, Generic Embedding requires an add-on license.
With Generic Embedding, you can embed the TARGIT Anywhere client in any of your Business Systems.
Add-on: TARGIT InMemory
TARGIT InMemory is TARGIT's own offering with regard to a blistering fast column stored database engine. In many respects, it is similar to Microsoft's Analysis Services Tabular database engine.
TARGIT InMemory comes with a number of tools:
- The TARGIT InMemory ETL tool - for extracting, transforming and loading of data from any of your source data systems into the InMemory database.
- The TARGIT InMemory Scheduler - for automation, logging etc. of the ETL projects.
- The TARGIT InMemory Query tool - for ad hoc querying of data in the InMemory database.
Add-on: TARGIT Insights
TARGIT Insights will provide valuable information about the use and current state of your TARGIT solution.
Once you enable TARGIT Insights, you will get all of this out-of-the-box:
- A cloud-based logging database.
- A comprehensive Data Model that connects automatically to your TARGIT Server.
- More than 30 pre-defined dashboards with relevant statistics about your TARGIT solution.
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