2022 Spring (Released 2022-08-29)

Jira Link Feature Status
Expected Release
Expected Release
Released to
Technical location Documentation Prototype Billable
PB-56 Assign multiple reports to one scheduled job Released     Our new report engine should support something similar to report collections from classic reports            
PB-73 Scheduled jobs that can be subscribed to Released     Designer/admin creates job that users can choose to "subscribe" to instead of defining an "audience".            
PB-67 New Visual Objects Released     We should offer more variations in terms of graphtypes - specifically Speedometers, Treemaps            
PB-89 DAX, handling of subtotals Released     Subtotals are part of DAX queries no matter if they are enabled in the client or not. This causes a performance decrease, specifically on objects with nested dimensions.            
PB-40 Parametric Roles without Open-ID Released     The 2021 offering of Parametric Roles should be further developed to support Windows Security and not depend on Open-ID integration.            
PB-92 Use VFS folder as export folders Released     Enable security for published content            
PB-93 Border and padding support Released     Dramatically simplify complex dashboard creation            
PB-94 Online Demo Data Released     To add flexibility to the way we handle demo data, we want to move them to the cloud. This makes it much easier to fix any issues with it and in general make changes at any given time.            
PB-71 BigQuery connector support for partitioned tables Released     Reduce Biq Query cost by appplying the ability to query partitioned tables (not supported today)            
PB-86 Option to ignore rendering of objects in dashboards and reports Released     Allow users with different access rights to open dashboards with data from different data sources without having to react to restrictive messages,            
PB-49 Option to disable Windows and Standard security to only use OpenID Released     Allow sys admins to force users to use the organizations OpenID and two-factor authentication            
PB-69 Data Discovery as 'external' service Released     Enable Data Discovery to run separate from TARGIT Server.            
PB-85 App on salesforce appexchange that allows for easy embedding in lightning Released     Drag & Drop embedding of TARGIT in SalesForce            
PB-90 Remove dependency on level naming in TARGITs Global dimensions feature Released     Currently global dimensions won't work properly when the levels of the dimensions in question have different names.            
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  • Roadmap has been updated!
  • I am looking for a way to make a Treemap chart. The third feature above indicates that is already released in 2022, but I cannot find it in Targit.

    New Visual Objects Released     We should offer more variations in terms of graphtypes - specifically Speedometers, Treemaps


  • Hi Morten,

    You are looking into one of the archived roadmaps. Roadmaps are/were indications of what we wanted to achieve in future releases. Unfortunately, neither the Treemaps nor the Speedometers made the cut.

    You may want to add your wishes to our Feature requests section: https://community.targit.com/hc/en-us/community/topics/7278561562141-Feature-requests-Ideas

    BR / Ole


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