Date selector add 3rd option calendar view (slicer, criteria bar)
We already have the "Dynamic Date" and "static date", but a nice addition would be a calendar date picker to set a start and end date of the period you want to see.
Screenshot below or the same look and feel as the date origin selector.
Especially in the slicer objects if you use them to compare periods it would be nice to have a date picker to select a period of time.
Apparently some users find this method more intuitive instead of using predefined periods or traversing a hierarchy and selecting year, quarters, months, days...
Many prefer a from;end date concept.
Yes, I like the idea, you know such a calendar selection e.g. when booking a trip. It is fast and intuitive.
Thank you. We appreciate your input.
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Until then, the post will remain here to gather further interest (more votes) and comments.
Best regards / Ole
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