Crosstab formatting options

Support confirmed that this is not possible yet (or subtotals should be included = bad performance), but I am looking for an option to apply some simple formatting rules.

For example, a highlighted row after each unique value for a certain dimension (prepared in Excel):



  • Thank you. We appreciate your input.

    The status of this post will be updated as your request is being processed by TARGIT.

    Until then, the post will remain here to gather further interest (more votes) and comments.

    Best regards / Ole

    Related post:

  • Hi Jelle, one way of accomplishing that would be to assign numeric values for your dimension, and then create that as a Measure in your cube. With that you would be able to create a Color Agent and apply to all cells in the row.

  • Danilo Rufino Thank you for your message. I understand what you mean, but I do not believe that that is the solution. Because all rows will then have a measure value and how should I define the Color Agent? Moreover, in this case, it would highlight too many rows, because each dimension member has 6 rows of data and only the last entry should be formatted. Besides, this new measure group cannot be connected to all dimensions used in the table, which affects the performance negatively.

  • You could also create an Accumulated Member Count for the Siblings, and rely on the max of that to highlight it.

  • Danilo Rufino Although it is a workaround and not the embedded TARGIT feature that I expect, I appreciate your input and will give it a try. 


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