User permissions with OR-clause instead of AND

At the moment, filters (criteria) that are assigned to an user permission group are always based on a AND-clause. But it would be very helpfull to have an option to change this to OR.

For examle, the user group has access to the Company A (dim = company; all data for company A) OR Country DE (dim = country; all companies with data in Germany).

With the current permission setup (AND-clause), this would only provide data for company A in Germany...



  • Thank you. We appreciate your input.

    The status of this post will be updated as your request is being processed by TARGIT.

    Until then, the post will remain here to gather further interest (more votes) and comments.

    Best regards / Ole

  • Yes, I really appreciate the idea. It would also be very useful for employees in multiple organizational roles who have multiple responsibilities.


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