User dimensions in dynamic content
We request an option tomake member- and criteria-based dynamic content on user dimensions. To my knowledge we're only able to make member- and criteria-based dynamic content on regular dimensions.
It's common practice to list the time criteria used in objects and/or dashboard so the users are made aware which time periode they're looking at data for. I.e. Jan 2023 - Dec 2023. Sometimes the time criteria are set through user dimensions based on dynamic time with members such as last 3 months, last 6 month, last 12 months etc.
It would be nice if we could reference the user dimension criterias or members instead of the underlying time dimensions. It is much easier for the user to read and understand "Last 3 months" compared to fx "28-08-2024 - 27-11-2024".
Thank you. We appreciate your input.
The status of this post will be updated as your request is being processed by TARGIT.
Until then, the post will remain here to gather further interest (more votes) and comments.
Best regards / Ole
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