Override pre-selected filters in Anywhere
I have a situation where a by default need to exclude Item Category X. This is easily done by a Item Category <> X criteria. The problem is that this criteria sticks in the sense that users cannot get rid of it and include the item category.
Selecting all the item categories except X is not a great option because new item categories will be excluded by default.
I think the simplest solution is to give users an option to remove preset criteria for a dropdown.
Thank you. We appreciate your input.
The status of this post will be updated as your request is being processed by TARGIT.
Until then, the post will remain here to gather further interest (more votes) and comments.
Best regards / Ole
Hi Søren,
I appreciate your idea.
While waiting for this feature request to materialize in the software, I may have a work-around for you.
The text box may ignore criteria from other (maybe all) dimensions as well, and/or you may set local criteria on the text box that should apply as global criteria once you click it.
BR / Ole
Hi Ole,
This is ... and you guys always get the better of me ... a great workaround :-)
It works in both the Windows and the Web client, although the dropdown keeps showing "<> xyz" in the Web client ... but data is good and it's possible to select xyz in both clients.
Love your work!
Thanks, Søren
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