Upgrade Targit’s Textbox Editor ✏️

BI is all about communication. Sometimes we need supporting text to guide users, adding context, or sharing insights in plain English.

Right now, Targit’s text editor could use a boost:

  • ✏️ No inline styling: Bold, italics, colors, or font sizes within the text? Not an option.
  • 📋 No lists: Bullet points or numbered lists are sorely missed.
  • 🔗 No hyperlinks: Embedding links directly into text would be a game-changer.
  • 🖥️ Tiny editing window: Editing happens in a small UI box that doesn’t show how the text will actually look in the dashboard.

With a modern rich text editor that includes inline formatting, list support, hyperlinking, and real-time editing in the dashboard view, we could make communication on Targit dashboards clearer, easier, and more professional.

👍 if you’re ready to say goodbye to text editor frustrations in Targit!




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