Schedule export to excel
Is it possible to schedule export to Excel – and how?
Ideally I want my export to include every object in my TARGIT Document.
Is it possible to schedule export to Excel – and how?
Ideally I want my export to include every object in my TARGIT Document.
You can either use:
Or directly within the crosstab by right clicking and:
When using the Scheduled Jobs, is it possible to schedule all crosstabs in the file? I would like to get the same result as clicking the Excel->Open, where you get all crosstabs in separate Excel tabs.
It seems to me that you can only choose one crosstab when adding it to a schedule.
Export all crosstabs to Excel
In addition to Steppi's comment. You can specify to export all data objects in the Format pane of Schedule Job setup. Just select MS Excel format and check "Export all data objects to multiple sheets"
I have found that a lot of people like to make pivot tables right away after receiving the Excel file, but TARGIT will naturally use it's heirarchy and leave some cells blank. If you check off the "Repeat dimension members for all rows/columns" then it will fill in those blank cells instead of use the natural heirarchy!
How do i take a report and create a job from it that puts the report into an Excel file that is also emailed?
Hi Ed,
The principle for exporting to Excel from either report or dashboard is the same.
You will need to right click one of the data objects in your report and go to the 'Schedule' option:
From there, you will have the options as mentioned above:
BR / Ole
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