Hide criteria bar
Would it be possible to add the option to hide the criteria bar on the webclient? Our customers use alot of different filters in the dashboards. Sometimes the criteriabar takes up 1/3 of the space of the screen. Is it possible to make it like the desktop client, where you can hide the criteria bar?
This feature has been released.
[Cloud release: 2024.11.28]
[On-prem release: 2025 January]
[On-prem build: 25.01.21002]
Details here: https://community.targit.com/hc/en-us/articles/17149861707676-Show-or-hide-Criteria-Bar-in-Anywhere-client
Best regards / Ole
I haven't tested this but I think the web client's criteria bar only shows if there is any dimension in the criteria bar saved in that dashboard in the client. You may want to make a Web view/layout where you take away the criteria bar completely to free up space.
We experienced this as well and started creating crosstabs for user to select as criteria/drill throughs rather than the drop downs in the criteria bar.
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