Heat Map is empty
I want to make a heat map with revenue per country with the world map, but the map remains blank. See below images. The mapping is correct and I see the data with the normal color option, but when I select Heat map the map is empty. What do I wrong?
Hi Frank,
The Heat map option will only work with a Points mapping type - not an Area mapping type.
So you need to change the mapping type to 'None' or to 'Longitude/Latitude'. The latter option of course makes most sense if your data actually contains longitude and latitude information.
Should you need to manually add your points to the map, this can be done by dragging and dropping the dots from the dimension member list, as in my example below.
BR / Ole
Thanks Ole! So for the Longitude/Latitude I have to join the customer country with an excel list with the Longitude/Latitude per country in our datawarehouse. Does Targit have such list?
I am also curious how I can make a map with a Area mapping type with the high revenue countries red, average revenue colored orange and low revenue green. Now I see only the option to color the country (e.g. USA blue, China red etc.)
Hi Frank,
You don't necessarily have to have Longitude/Latitude per country. If you do a manual mapping - once, and only once - then TARGIT will remember it for every future use of that dimension together with that map. After all, for World wide countries, there are only 200-ish dots to be mapped.
Of course, you can use Longitude/Latitude if you want to put in the effort in your data warehouse. This list seems to place the dots pretty much centered on the country:
With regard to your second question, I think you can get inspired by this article (which I just created):
BR / Ole
Perfect Ole thanks! Appreciate the prompt response and the video!
At this moment we have 2017 version running but we will upgrade the coming months. I have to look for a sort of dynamic scale, because we have a group dashboard but also per office and per office the volumes are lower.
You can obtain a dynamic scale by adding a calculation to your map. The calculation should calculate a relative number, e.g. an index number according to your current values range. This can be done in many ways, but e.g. something like
would produce a relative number - relative to the maximum value in the value range.
The calculation can then be used to control your color scale in a dynamic way.
BR / Ole
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