Any way to put this on another drive?
Also a way to truncate this file?
Infra team is not to keen on having a db kind of file sitting on our servers C-drive.
Any way to put this on another drive?
Also a way to truncate this file?
Infra team is not to keen on having a db kind of file sitting on our servers C-drive.
od and TARIGIT team, I also have questions regarding this.
We also have a file like this that has grown very large.
What is this logging?
What does "FailedLinks" mean?
How can this file be viewed?
How can we determine which links are failing so that we can prevent this file from growing so large?
Hi Karl,
"FailedLinks" is logging when a user tries to use an embedded link that no longer exists.
You may open the sqlite database to see what has been logged and by whom.
Otherwise, the sqlite database can safely be deleted if you think it takes up too much disk space. It will then be regenerated, starting from empty, next time you restart the TARGIT server.
Note: The use of an sqlite database has been deprecated in later versions (from 2023-ish). So, if you are on a newer version, the sqlite database may simply be leftover from an upgrade from an earlier version.
In newer version, when you look into your 'Generic Embedding' settings in the Designer client, you can see which links have been tried, but failed:
BR / Ole
Excellent information od, thanks for the prompt reply and Happy New Year!
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