Schedued Job and presetting different criteria


How can I schedule a report job and pre-set certain criteria? I have 2 questions.

In my dashboard I have a dynamic date criteria selection. This date filter can be set in the future, hence enabling to view the sales against the target and enabling to view the current YTD sales against the full year targit by setting the date to 31 dec 2021. The dashboard criteria is YTD (1-jan-2021 to Today) but with the dynamic option on tagit the YTD end date can be set to 31 dec 2021.

Q1: Now I would like to schedule my pdf report with the dynamic date set to this end date. But if I save the dashboard/report with this end data set to december, still the report job only displays the actual YTD and not the future target months.

I know that the other criteria options are used as I save them, and an end user can adjust them, but

Q2: how can I change/adjust the saved criteria bar selections in a scheduled report, without saving orignal report?




  • Have you tried making a new layout? 

    Maybe, you could make an extra layout with the alternate end date. And then use that for the scheduled report?

  • Hi Femke,

    A1: I don't think this is possible. The option to set dynamic date origin is something that is currently only available in the client after you have opened a document. When you open a document, the default dynamic date origin will always be 'today'. The same goes for scheduled jobs - a scheduled job will treat the document the same way as opening it in the client - i.e. the default dynamic date origin will always be 'today'. I will take this as a new idea, but not sure this is something we can handle in a satisfying way.

    A2: Add a criteria to your report and save it as a 'Bookmark'. This just saves the bookmark (a reference to your report, including the applied criteria). The bookmark can be scheduled just like any other reports.

    BR / Ole

  • Thanks Ole, I'll try A2 as that seems to be a solution for me.


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