Formula "Month" in a data source format ?
I have made a format on top of my data source.
I would like to create a new column that tells me how many days there are in a specific month.
I thought I could use a formula like:
if month(&Dato)=1 then 31 else if month(&Dato)=2 then 28 else etc.
But the formula "month(&Dato)" dosn't seem to work?
Anyone can spot what I've done wrong?
I can get date(2021,1,1) to work:
And this formula is "green", but does not get the right result (31 in the first row where Dato = 1/1/2021)
Any other suggestions to a solution?
Hmm, I think I found a work around.. But I still wonder why month(&Dato) didn't work.. :-)
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