Userdimension - Category "the rest" combined with multiselection ?
To be able to use multiselection in userdimensions I have learned that I have to use the same operator in alle my categories when creating my userdimension.
But in many situations I will have to use "different from" all of the above chosen to get "the rest" in a last "Others" category. For example a have a userdimension with selected professions and a "others" category and as there are many different professions and new can appear next month, It will not work just to select all other professions on the list. I need to use the "different from". But in many of my graphs I would like to except the "Others" category by a criteria on the userdimension (<> Others).
It there a way to select "the rest" or "the difference from the total and the selected categories"? I think I earlier on have seen a webinar with upcoming new features where this function was mentioned? Maybe a function like this will help me to be able to multiselect (and except "the rest")?
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