Filter and group data by measure values (measure buckets)

Help users slice their data in different ways and grouping data based on numeric value gives TARGIT a powerful addition to the criteria options.

The Designer user should be able to define "buckets" of measure values, e.g., '0-100', '100-500', '500-5000' etc. to be used for drop down filters or drill down filters or simply as a dimension for creating buckets within a crosstab or any other object type.



  • This would be a great option. But not only grouping is an option, directly filtering an object based on a measure value would be great!

    Of course it is possible to create a TOP or FLOP List. But for many usecases it is necessary to Filter the data directly based on the rowlevel data value.

    It is possible to hide specific values, but this is not the best way, because you have to work with the visible / all options in calculations etc.

    And this Option would make it much more faster, because not visible means data is loaded. Filtering means data you don't want is not there ;-).

    A simple Filter for example "Revenue between 1000 and 100.000" "/ Quantity >1" etc. A Grouping Option would make it perfect, for example "1-1000" / "1001-10000" / "10001 - 100000" / >100001"

  • I agree, the ability to use a specific measure value (or range) would be a major new tool for designers. In addition to creating cross tabs based on measure buckets mentioned above this would also allow for the creation of true exception reports that can be used via schedule. Currently using the visibility agent to 'hide' members does not remove them from the cross tab. Therefore if you have a cross tab designed to only show 'inactive' customers for example (customers with sales below $xxx value, or even truly inactive where current period sales are zero) you will still get an exported document when the schedule runs. The report is blank because ALL members are hidden if none meet the measure value criteria. Recipients get an email every time (daily/weekly etc.) the schedule runs even if there are no members visible. Using criteria and/or a filter set on a measure value would allow us to create cross tabs that are truly 'empty' when the measure criteria is not met. This is a huge advantage in creating exception based reports because a scheduled job only generates a document IF there are results in the cross tab (visible or not). Setting criteria/filter based on a measure value that results in an empty cross tab means no document is created/sent sent. Recipients would then only receive a notification/document to review when there are actual results meeting the criteria.


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