Improving advanced calulations: Making it possible to work with calculated rows and columns (c1)
Simple sorting, filtering, hiding calculated rows and columns
Simple sorting, filtering, hiding calculated rows and columns
This is already possible:
Unfurtunately filtering measures (like filtering global dimensions) is not possible. E.g.: Global filter in criteria bar for customers over 10000 € revenue. Instead, you need to work with the visibility-agent.
Hi Marlene,
You can do it with columns, as long as the columns aren't combined with calculated rows, or even just calculated rows.
The problem is not for 1 set page, where only 1 version should exist, but for dynamic pages.
In this specific case I needed to hardcode calculations for each salesperson, as it is the only way to do it as you can't calculate with dimensions but only measures. That means I do get a super long table, but I would only want to show the top 5 or even 1 specific row depending on criteria.
I could get around this, by making 1 version of the page for each salesperson and having no toplist, but that would be a lot of manual maintenance.
Or changing all our salespersons to having numbers instead of names, and then creating a measure with their number as a sum.
Thanks for the input though :-)
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