Sorting dates from newest to oldest
Often the newest data is the most interesting, not the data with the lowest alphabetical name.
Often the newest data is the most interesting, not the data with the lowest alphabetical name.
Hi Lara,
you can just order by every column in your crosstab, e.g. the posting date (newest data).
Hi Marlene,
Yes, Targit offered to double all our date hierarchies sorted in reverse order, but I still believe it would be useful to have as a standard function, which is why I put it into Feature Idea/request part :-)
At the moment, sorting date columns within TARGIT (header option) is only possible for date format (name column) YYYY-MM-DD. However, there should be a feature that enables the correct sorting of all different date formats (based on the key column?). This is especially relevant when date formats are used as translation (i.e., date format is defined based on the selected language in TARGIT).
TARGIT treats all ingested data as strings hence the "unexpected" sort results on certain columns.
It should be better if Targit took the metadata from the underlying model and apply those data types in the front end or allow us as report designers to add formatting to certain fields (set datatypes / display formats -> this is only possible on measures for now...).
For instance a dimension with only integer values. The default sort order is the order in which the results are retrieved from the underlying model.
If you hit the sort button in targit all integer values are sorted alphabetically (1, 10, 100, 2, 20, 200...).
The only way to revert back to the original sorted list is to click "Do not sort" in the context menu of the object... This is counter intuitive...
Until the feature has been developed, this is probably the best workaround available:
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