Additional (english) language for handling Chinese font
our customer rolled out TARGIT in their branch in China. So they have customers in Chinese characters in their database. For the users in China this in no problem. But for their users in the rest of the world the Chinese charcters cannot be interpreted. I tried to setup a translated column in the datamodel for the worldwide (english) language. But this has the disadvantage that the Chinese names are also translated for the users in China who prefer the chinese names. Is the any chance to implement an additional language (english) where the latin names and the chinese names can be used ? I tried to add a new language in the language XMLs. This new language is also shown in the TARGIT translations and client language selection. But it is ignored when the client is restarted. Then the client seems to switch into the worldwide language because the new language get's not accepted. It seems that the lagnuage list is "fixed" internally in the client.
Do you have any idea how this can be realizied ?
This was resolved by manually adding an extra language to languages.xml (en-gb - English UK)- see below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<languages version="1.0" application="TARGIT Analysis">
<language id="w1" name="English (Worldwide)"/>
<language id="en-gb" name="English UK"/>
<language id="da" name="Danish"/>
<language id="nl" name="Dutch"/>
<language id="fr" name="French"/>
<language id="de" name="German (Germany)"/>
<language id="el" name="Greek"/>
<language id="hu" name="Hungarian"/>
<language id="is" name="Icelandic"/>
<language id="nb" name="Norwegian (bokmål)"/>
<language id="pl" name="Polish"/>
<language id="pt-br" name="Portuguese (Brazil)"/>
<language id="ru" name="Russian"/>
<language id="es" name="Spanish"/>
<language id="sv" name="Swedish"/>
<language id="he" name="Hebrew"/>
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