Controlling Client crashes by using too detailed dimensions


I have a crosstab where I put a Hierarchy for cost elements on one of the axis

The issue is this: I also added a costcenter selection in the head line. I can select cost elements but after the third time I select a new cost center (or cost centers) the Controlling Client crashes (I am using Controlling 2019 build206 (16927)). I made the following observation: if my crosstab has the points open (like this)

I get the Client crash. But if the crosstab looks like this before I change the cost center in my selection bar

I can change the cost centers as often as i want and nothing happens. Can there be issues if I have too much data shwoing when I do new selections? Or is perhaps my hierarchy too detailed (too many subsections)?

Thanks for your help











1 comment
  • Hi Michael,

    I have tried simulating your issue on the latest 2022 version (build 22.11.29002), but I cannot make it crash.

    It may be because I have much less data than you, but it can also be something that has been fixed since your 2019 version. Crashing after stressing the system may indicate e.g., a memory leak bug. If this is the case, it may have been fixed in a later version.

    Sorry I can't be more helpful in this forum. You may want to escalate the issue via TARGIT's official support:

    BR / Ole


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