Slow performance in dynamic text-boxes
I was wondering if anybody else experiances extremely slow performance when using dynatic content in text-boxes? And also if anybody has an approach that reduced the load performance?
I was wondering if anybody else experiances extremely slow performance when using dynatic content in text-boxes? And also if anybody has an approach that reduced the load performance?
Hi Lasse
Showing criteria in text boxes can have more impact on performance, than you might think. If you show criteria (and not members) as described in the article below, you should see improved performance.
Hava a look at no 6 in this article:
Hi Niels
Thank you for your reply.
I have now tried your suggestion, but it doesn't seem to improve my load performance. Perhaps I'm trying to load too many criteria (4 in total)?
I have however tried something else instead and created the textbox through measures and loading it into a matrix. The matrix is then formatted to look like a textbox. It seems to make it a lot faster! It is'nt a particularly userfriendly method and it seems counterintuitiv, but if anybody else are having similar issues as myself, maybe this could be a useful solution for you.
Hi Lasse
We are struggling with performance problems as well and have tried replacing dynamic text with criterias. And it almost halfed the load time of some analysis. But Im very curious to understand your trick with the textbox mentioned above. Is it just a crosstable with one row and one measure, where you format the measure to add some text?
Hi Louise
Yes that's right (meant crosstable and not matrix - thx for the correction). I combine text and values in my measure to give the dynamic title that is needed. The dynamics is then - if needed - controlled by using criteria in the table. With this method you can run into issues of having many different kinds of title-measures, but it seems to help with the performacen at least.
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