Tool to translate Metadata.xml
Dear all,
if you have a lot of business terms to translate, using TARGIT Management is sometimes cumbersome.
Some years ago, TARGIT had a little tool ("TARGIT Translations") which was very helpful, but the structure of the xml-files changed and it doesn't work with newer versions.
So two questions:
1. Will TARGIT adapt this tools for the newer versions?
2. What do you recommend to use?
Any help is appreciated!
Kind regards
Hi team,
OK, the TARGIT Translation Tool works ... but:
If you didn't touch a string to translate (e.g. a new dimension in the cube) you don't find this string in the Translation Tool.
Any idea?
Hey Thomas,
Perhaps not the answer you are looking for but we made our only translation tool.
For ease of use we used Excel as source files which holds dictionary tabs (measures, display folders, dimensions, dimension attributes, hierarchy, hierarch levels). These contain all unique labels and translations across all your Targit connections.
Furthermore you can query the OLAP/TABULAR models metadata to find which cubes holds which information.
Query for cubes -> manually add the Targit Database name in this list.
You query following objects from OLAP server Measures, display folders, dimensions, dimension attributes, hierarchies, hierarchy levels, member properties.
Add them to the excel file each query is a seperate tab.
Now you can use lookup functions for each tab to their respective "dictionary" tab file. and get the translations matched.
Create a small program that ingests each tab and builds the XML structure accordingly. Copy paste this into the metadata.xml file. (the metadata.xml is a simple structure).
Metadata OLAP cubes:
Hi raf,
thanks for your input. yes, this a possible workaround.
But I see a lot of possible sources for errors with these many manual steps.
In general, I would prefer to get a workover of the (very old) translation module in TARIT Management with a more userfriendly and comfortable UI. E.g. "bulk" translation of a string used many times like "Day", "Month","Year".
Kind regards
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