Multible criterias on the same dimension

So I am trying to make a report where I can see how many citizens are receiving several of our services at the same time.

Let's say we have a team that offers several services on the same dimension 'ydelse > paragraf' they are offering  §104, §82 and §85

I want to make a report that shows the number of citizens that are receiving §85 and other services. If I chose a criteria with the three aforementioned paragrafs, I will also see citizens that doesn't receive §85, who I am not interested in seeing in this report. 

Is there a way to make - first a criteria that says I want to see what citizens receive §104, §82 and §85 but then within this report, filter out all the citizens that does not receive §85?



  • Hi Rasmus

    I think a way to solve this, is to introduce a user dimension in your analysis.

    With a user dimension, you can separate your criteria into columns.

    I think you need a table with citizens on the vertical axis and your user dimension on the horisontal axis.

    The user dimension should have 2 elements:
    with the criteria §85 in the first element
    and  §104 AND §82 as criteria in the second element.

    Now you have a table where you can identify the citizens with a value in the first AND the second column, which are the ones you are looking for.

    I would suggest making a visibility agent with a syntax like count(all,0,m1)<2

    That basically means checking through all your columns in every row and hiding the rows where there are less than 2 values.

    That should do it - and you will only be left with the citizens that have §85 services and other services.


    Hope it makes sense.

  • Thanks for this, it worked like a charm to solve what I requested.

    Now I have another issue, which is regarding the same table - but it's a different matter so I can make a new service request if you want, otherwise I'll just be asking here: Now that I got a table where I can see how many people receive §85 and the other services, I am interested in the diagram only showing the total number of people that the table is showing.

    So I don't want a table that shows each individual person, I want to hide every line regarding individuals, and only show a sum of all people that receive §85 and the other services. I have prievously had success with something similar, by experimenting with synlighed/visibility under properties/egenskaber - but in this table it is not possible to hide all the individual lines.

    Is there an easy way to only show how many in total, are receiving §85 and the other services?


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