Reference non-measures in calculations and agents?


I have some dummy data that contains (1) Country (2) Airline  (3) Passengers

I want to hide all the countries that only has one Airline associated with it.
However, when I try to do an allcount (or a count as well), it won't let be choose the two first columns. d1 and d-1 both reference the passengers column. 

Is there a way to count the amount of Airlines a country has, and then filter based on that?

Below is a screenshot of the dummy data

 Country                                                                          Airline Code                                   #passengers



  • Hi, you can try to hide a member of #passengers with this formula:

    allcount(d-1, all(s), 0) = 1

    Your three countries should be invisible then. 

    Please tell me if this helped :)

  • It worked! Thanks a lot!


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