Katrine Vejlang
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Latest activity by Katrine Vejlang-
Katrine Vejlang commented, The first picture is of an analysis - in the bottom left corner, the export options are shown. Note that we use white boxes behind, and not the background in the menu, as it fit out design better. ...
Katrine Vejlang created a post, AnsweredExport icons disapears
When exporting analysis to PDF, the icons disappear (both pdf and excel icons) Is it possible to keep the icons when, so what you see is what you actually get?
Katrine Vejlang created a post, CompletedSlicer objects: Removing the mouseover info-box
We would like to be able to disable the information box, when holding the mouse over the slicer object (see picture). It sometimes makes it impossible to reach the drop-down arrow in the slicer.
Katrine Vejlang commented, We are likewise interested in the above request. Until it is possible to customize the displayed text completely, we would request that the word “select” would follow the rest of the language setti...