Niels Thomsen
Hi Aaron If you just want to color the two cells that make the intersection between calculated column and the 2 calculated rows, you might want to look at this article: https://community.targit.co...
Hi Louise Your XML-file seems correct and it's also placed in the correct folder. Restarting the TARGIT server is enough - it makes sure that the cache is cleared the latest version of your xml fil...
Hi John Some calculations have relative references like: sum(d-1, d1:0, m1) This formula will accumulate the numbers from the first row to the current. When you have this kind of relative referenc...
Hi Gia I just tried it - and it seems to work fine. So just choose to trigger to a URL and in the URL put in mailto:xxx@xx.dk - like this: Then the users default mail program should open and be rea...
Hi Jora Since Dynamic dates are always calculated from today, you should be able to make a user dimension with different dynamic filters to create these buckets. First create a user dimension with ...
Hi Raf Thanks a lot for bringing this to my attention. I wasn't aware that such a decision existed. I guess we all still have a lot to learn about the implications of GDPR and other data protection...
Hi Gia If your data model only has one fact table, it's perfectly ok to use dimensions from that one facttable. However - if your model has 2 or more facttables, you will need dimension tables to q...
I agree with Louise and Tyler. This is a general approach that I use very often - making intermediate calculations that are "flags" identifying something - and then making my final calculations ba...
If it is similar to your screenshot, you can try something like: if allcount(d1,d1:0,m1)= 1 then a elseif allcount(d1,d1:0,m1)= 2 then b elseif allcount(d1,d1:0,m1)= 3 then c elseif allcount(d1,d1:...
Hi Kenneth I gave it a try :-) Here's a setup similar to your - except I added an extra element to the user dimension: Now I add the calculations as measures (not calculated columns). This will ini...