Niels Thomsen
No problem - Anywhere is included in the official installer - so it should be fairly easy to install. Very interested to hear how your use of teams and TARGIT turns out.
Hi Walter You can easily embed TARGIT into Microsoft Teams. When you are looking at your team/channel you probably have these standard tabs (or at least something similar): If you hit the plus to ...
Hi Miguel I don't know of any current plans to support TM1 as a data source br/Niels
Hi Raf It's an interesting question. Most customers make documents and trigger from document to document. That's the "standard" way of making navigation in a TARGIT solution. Since 2021 you can ac...
There are no changes concerning this - your answer is perfect :-)
Hi Miguel I'm not familiar with TM1 - is it a format created with IBM Cognos? br/Niels
If you choose excel as your data source, you can actually specify One-Drive as your type of souce:
Hi Dirk Scheduled jobs administrator is a right that you can assign to a group of users in TARGIT Management (see red square below): Once you have this right you can see, edit, delete jobs created ...
Really nice solution!
Notice: I've added an excel file as an attachment to the article - which contains the last 3 years of relevant TARGIT Tutorials - you can just import it into your own data discovery and have these ...