Niels Thomsen
Filter delegate use cases
Hi everyone I'm calling on the power of the great TARGIT Community! I'm planning a webinar that explores a lot of use cases for the filter delegate feature - looking into how it can take analytics ...
Decolumnize should be available in toolbox of ETL studio.
Columnize and decolumnize is about compressing and decompressing your database during ETL for optimization. Currently Columnize exists as an item in the toolbox - but Decolumnize is a function you ...
Create UI to existing functions in save command (ETL Studio)
The existing save command in ETL studio only supports saving the current database. However - in the script task you can also save table or save as database (to save with another name). This is used...
Slicer search and drop-down should be integrated
Currently the slicer is set up for either search or working as a drop-down. You should be able to combine these 2 features in one slicer - just like in the criteria bar.
Default behaviour on Export to Excel/PDF should be changed
When you set up an export to Excel or PDF as a menu button, you typically want to export the current (active) document and not another document. The default trigger should be export active documen...
Default behaviour on triggers should be changed
When you setup a trigger in TARGIT, 90% of the time you DON'T want to inherit any criteria, so the default setup should tick the "Saved criteria only".
TARGIT should offer a much more extensive Python/R integration also allowing "live" execution of scripts
In TARGIT, tools such as Python and R are possible to utilize only as scheduled script that prepare data. In Data Discovery there are 2 native plugins for 2 different versions of Python and 1 R plu...
It should be possible to utilize Power Query for data preparation seamlessly in TARGIT
Power Query holds a number of data preparation tools that are quite advanced and well-known to a larger audience. It should be possible to utilize Power Query in combination with TARGIT in multiple...
TARGIT stack should be integrated more closely - you should be able to open all clients from TARGIT Windows client
When you are working in the TARGIT Windows client, it should be possible - based on rights control - to open: TARGIT Management TARGIT InMemory Query tool TARGIT InMemory ETL Studio TARGIT InMemo...
Update bookmarks made by consumer with changed criteria on original document
If you change the criteria on the original document, the bookmarks previously created based on this document are not updated with this change. This should be done automatically.