Ole Dyring
Hi Jette, You cannot share a Data Discovery data source directly with someone that does not have access to your server. However, from the screen shot you supplied, it looks like your Data Discovery...
Hi Louise, I am not sure why you cannot add the "Dynamic date origin" - I haven't been able to replicate it. However, you could try two things: Try right clicking in an *empty* spot in the criteri...
Hi Marlene, I am afraid it is not possible to change the row height in a cross tab - except for changing the crosstab theme to a larger font type, but I am pretty sure that is not what you are aski...
Hi Frank, In the 2021 version you need to be a 'Scheduled Jobs administrator' to set the 'From' address. 'Scheduled Jobs administrator' is a Rights permission in the Rights properties in the TARGIT...
Hi Louise, Yes - we are planning on enabling a built-in feedback forum in here as well in the near future. It just wasn't part of phase 1 of the roll-out plan for this Community site. So, until the...
Hi John, See my reply to the Topic post here: Global dimensions BR / Ole
Hi John, Currently, creating and manually editing the xml file is the only way to work with Global Dimensions. I am not aware of any short term plans to provide a UI for Global Dimensions. However,...
Hi Joyce, Yes - you will need the 'Enterprise Distribution' add-on license in order to do that. You should get in touch with your TARGIT account manager regarding license changes. BR / Ole
The Documentation section about Dynamic Criteria in the Community is also worth a read: https://community.targit.com/hc/en-us/sections/360004988118-Dynamic-criteria
Hi Femke, I just created an article in the Documentation section about the (limited) functionality of the What-if feature. https://community.targit.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017616297-What-if