Hi Jette, No - it should be possible in the 2019 version as well. It may require an Enterprise Distribution add-on license, but I believe you already got that. Otherwise, just right-click any objec...
Hi John, You might try again. I've made a correction to your email address in our CMS. BR / Ole
Hi Twan, Yes. The new longitude/latitude mapping option makes so much sense in so many cases. Beautiful work! BR / Ole
Hi Marlene, I can't think of any way that you, from a central point, can prevent all types of users from changing a dynamic criteria in the TARGIT App. Maybe someone else can? The problem is with A...
Hi Louise, I am not sure why you cannot add the "Dynamic date origin" - I haven't been able to replicate it. However, you could try two things: Try right clicking in an *empty* spot in the criteri...
Hi Louise, Yes - we are planning on enabling a built-in feedback forum in here as well in the near future. It just wasn't part of phase 1 of the roll-out plan for this Community site. So, until the...
Hi John, See my reply to the Topic post here: Global dimensions BR / Ole
Official comment
Hi Louise, You just found one of the things that are still missing to be cleaned out in this new Community platform. 'Requests' and 'My requests' are not supposed to be visible. It is one of many t...
Hi Joyce, Yes - you will need the 'Enterprise Distribution' add-on license in order to do that. You should get in touch with your TARGIT account manager regarding license changes. BR / Ole
The Documentation section about Dynamic Criteria in the Community is also worth a read: https://community.targit.com/hc/en-us/sections/360004988118-Dynamic-criteria