Using Web box to pre-fill fields in a Microsoft Form
You can create Microsoft Forms - e.g. surveys, polls, etc., - that can be inserted in a Web box directly in a TARGIT dashboard. The TARGIT user can fill in the Form while still working in the TARGI...
Option to disable and customize note in cell A1 for Excel exports
Sometimes, the auto generated note in cell A1 does not provide any value to the end-user receiving the Excel export. A typical note like "Crosstab showing: No of Sales per Salesperson Name 26 rows...
New course and campaign "Buy 2 and get 1"
Dear TARGIT users, Right now - and until the end of June 2024, we’re offering two TU courses for the price of one! That means you can access two seats in TARGIT Fundamentals or TARGIT Next Level fo...
Top list of siblings while keeping the original sort order
You want to create a list of the Top 5 Salespersons within each Territory, and at the same you want to keep the original (alphabetical) sort order of the Territories: Asia, Europe and North America...
Document filters settings should be saved as a personal setting
In the Designer client, when looking for documents in the Shared folder or Personal folder you can filter by document type. The default setting is 'Document', 'Slideshow', and 'Menu'. The other opt...
Custom value for Capped rows
With the 2023 August release, crosstabs are capped to 1000 rows when a hardcoded threshold of 10000 rows is exceeded. (50 columns when a threshold of 100 columns is exceeded.) This should be reduce...
Show original field names of dimensions and measures in TARGIT client
Today, when you right click a measure or dimension in the Source Data tab of the TARGIT client and select 'Show explanation', you get something like this: In addition to this, it would be useful t...
About the 'Feature requests / Ideas' forum
Tell us how we can improve the TARGIT Decision Suite? Post your best ideas here. Comment and vote on already existing ideas. TARGIT staff is monitoring this forum and will keep you updated on any ...
Text boxes for filtering 'equal to' and 'different from'
If you are creating a dashboard where you would like filtering options such as 'Territory = Asia' (equal to) and 'Territory <> Asia' (different from), you may want to do it in a super user friendly...