Steppi Hjorth
Hi Tyler, the issue remains also when exporting to CSV. The only time it's not changing format is when exporting a crosstab to PDF. /Steffi
Legend can be configured under chart properties- Labels - legend :
Hi, you go to chart properties - select chart option got to series properties select the data series you want be shown as line under visualization :
You can either use: Or directly within the crosstab by right clicking and:
For custom text row right click the cross tab and: It can be moved up/down within the crosstab.
Right click the caption that should be edited and :
You can "pin folder" by right clicking the desired folder. You can then easily access it trough the tab called "Pinned folders". For singe file you can use bookmarks.
PS - you always have the option of storing these and reuse these in different reports.
Hi, crosstabs can be formatted under properties - crosstab styling. Theme will allow you to do the basic formatting for background and font's. Custom is more advanced, where you can format particu...
Hi, you can change the number format under properties and format numbers. Though it is important to know what the source unit is used (minutes, seconds, etc.) in order to return the right values. I...