John Jacobsen
Sorting columns
Hi all, I need help with sorting in my Analysis where I have both measures from my dataset, calculated measures and caluculated columns. M1 = Helårs Person = Measure from datasetM2 = Disp. Beløb = ...
Custom Hierarchy with a Baseline
In my analysis, I work with both a baseline and an ongoing change between the most recent statement and the previous statement at any given time. It is relatively easy to calculate the ongoing chan...
Totals and Subtotals in calculated columns
Is there a workaround so that the totals and subtotals in calculated columns shows the sums of the column instead of the calculation of the individual row? As You can see in the example, the subtot...
Global dimensions
It would be nice to have another interface in order to work with the global dimensions, kind of the way we work with Data Discovery in form of a sort of "drag and drop" way of connecting the differ...