Femke Kooij
Bubble Chart with quadrant alerting
see this post: https://community.targit.com/hc/en-us/articles/6636819446301?page=1#comment_9846918701469 Each quadrant of a bubble chart ability to set different background coloring, like an alert...
Do not show value [Not defined] in KPI component
Hi, How can I get rid of the [Not Defined] text in the KPI component, without substituting the default measure with a calculation? I just want nothing to show. Each time due to filtering the measur...
Use of folder structure within Scheduled Tasks
Will it be possible to organise the scheduled tasks into folders? If yes, how to do this? I have currently around 20 scheduled tasks, and this is managable in 1 list. However soon I will get to man...
Anywhere: Default fall back language Dutch instead of English
We have 3 languages in our OLAP cubes: Dutch, English and German. For our German customers and employees the language is German ofcourse, but if a word (in Targit) or dimension/measure (in cube) is...
Report Language taken from DWH by parameter in scheduled reports
Is there a way to add the preferred language to a user list in the scheduling of the reports.. Meaning I have international customers or acountmanagers, and I would like to schedule a report and ma...
schedule multiple report exports to pdf and send in 1 email
Hi, Is it possible to schedule multiple dashboards/reports but have the pdf in 1 email? So in the source window of the Task schedule , select multiple documents. Currently I have to set up and main...
Dynamic Date based on Working days
How can I create dynamic time comparison but based on working days? I need to display a dashboard with daily sales. Preferably the dynamic date option is only showing the accounting dates (working ...
Request: Combo chart vertical orientated (so possibility of vertical lines and bars)
Hi, I need to display a # measure and a % measure for a non oridnal scale dimension, hence I need a chart with column/bar and a line to help user with the visual analysis (lest they think the %meas...
Schedued Job and presetting different criteria
Hi, How can I schedule a report job and pre-set certain criteria? I have 2 questions. In my dashboard I have a dynamic date criteria selection. This date filter can be set in the future, hence enab...
dynamic visability of objects (e.g. charts, texts, images, tables) based on criteria
Hi, How can I show or hide a complete object based on a criteria or filter value. For example: we have customized logo's for specific Article Groups, and would like to display the correct logo imag...