Jora De Jong
Is it also possible to use a Do-While?For example when I use: If (If (If (if sum(0,0,m1)=0 then sum(-1,0,m1) else sum(0,0,m1))=0 then sum(-2,0,m1) else sum(0,0,m1))=0 then sum(-3,0,m1) else sum(0,0...
Is it possible to round the result? For example if the result is 0.000000000000000000012, I would like to change the value into 0.00. So not only the format but the value.The reason I need it, is t...
When I add an extra filter it doesn't show anything.It acts like both conditions should be met: DocumentNo should be in collection 1 AND collection 2. Instead I would like an OR.
Imagine I would like Bosswell and Levis together in 1 brand.Is it possible to do: BRANDX: From ‘Bosswell’ to ‘Bosswell, ORFrom ‘Levis’ to ‘Levis, z’
Thank you!
How do I change the order of the columns? I need a calculated field between 2 measures.
I figured it out.I created a folder by entering a name in the Display folder field option.
How do you create folders with dimensions under Shared Dimensions? I dragged and dropped the fields from my new Dim table but I want them organized in 1 folder.
That helped!Another question: Is it possible to use an if statement using another field (currency in this case)? If Currency = Ahide when value > -x and value < x If Curency = Bvalue > -y and value...
Thanks! I didn't know user dimensions could be added to the criteria bar.Good to know.