Danilo Rufino
This would be amazing. We have people using TARGIT and then having to go back to the ERPs to check or correct something and they need to type huge invoice numbers, Customer numbers, etc. This would...
Is this being worked on? This would save our users so much time and expend the ways they can use the solution instead of having to export things to excel to analyze data.
Hi Allan, that is exactly it. I need the sum of the CloseBal measure across the Year.
Ole, I have the need to have the sum of my closebal measure for a period of time. For instance, if I have a YTD criteria, I'd like to have the sum of the closebal for each month. Is that possible w...
You could also create an Accumulated Member Count for the Siblings, and rely on the max of that to highlight it.
Hi Jelle, one way of accomplishing that would be to assign numeric values for your dimension, and then create that as a Measure in your cube. With that you would be able to create a Color Agent and...
This would indeed be very helpful, and reduce a lot the maintenance/number of reports that need to be created.
This would be extremely helpful to us as well.
Thanks Ole, I will give this a try, but it seems like it would work. The real case scenario has way more columns and complications, but the logic for it should work the same. BR, Danilo
Hi Femke, I believe you could accomplish that with a multi-page report, having the different Dashs as a page each in your report. That way it will send one single PDF with multiple pages. But I agr...