Danilo Rufino
Define a Default display folder for cube
It would be great if we could define a default Display Folder for a cube that it would automatically put any Measure and Private Dimension into. This would help a lot with the organization of the d...
Calendar Object
I believe it would be great to have a calendar object in TARGIT that looks similar to an outlook calendar, for example. We are trying to create an analysis that displays how many units we have comi...
Totals without the Underline
Hi all, Is anyone aware of a way to format the Grand Totals in TARGIT to remove the Underline from them? I feel like they pollute the view from the user's perspective, and it would be great if we c...
Rank Based on the X-axis
Hi all, I'm trying to create an analysis that would show me, in a line chart, the performance of my bottom 4 stores in an R12 period. The problem I'm having is that for that to work, I need to have...
TAGIT DB2 Driver
Hi all, We are using TARGIT InMemory and grabbing data from a DB2 Database. We are currently using an ODBC driver for this, but I know TARGIT has its own proprietary driver. Does anyone have an exa...
Count Consecutive Times a Calc is above 0
Hi all, I have a report that displays how many times each of our stores has been in the Bottom 25% in a R12 period. I'm doing that using the Rank function, and then counting if it's in the bottom 2...
Color column as Progress Bar based on 100%
Hi, I have an object that I'd like to color two column using the "color background as progress bar" setting. The problem I'm having is that I'd like for the color to be green only when it's close ...