Gia Christiansen
Convert table to graph with hidden rows
I need to make a bar chart and a line chart of the number of primary school students with +15% absence for each school. In order for me to do this I need to count how many students (social securit...
User dimension in 'ignore criteria'
Is it possible to use an user dimensions in ignore criteria?
Scheduled Jobs
Some of my scheduled jobs do not work anymore and this is the message have some experienced this before? Does it mean I have to much data in my tabels? The tabels have a timecriteria of latest 12...
Same roles and rights different outcome
I have a user who can not look at all the levels in my hierarchy althrough he has access to this. If I assign the same right and role to our test user I can look at all levels Users screenshot ...
Is it possible to make a trigger to an e-mail?
I have an object like the one below and I would like to make a trigger to a given mail. Is it possible?
Use dimensions from a facttabel
I have combined 3 data sources (2 facttabels and 1 dimensionstabel). If I only use the dimensions in the dimensionstabel, the measures for both of the facttabels are correct. But if I include dim...