Bo Jacobsen
Global filter being overwritten by drill-down
Hello,I am having a bit of an unfortunate interaction in one of my dashboards, where our customers are in a hierarchy with Country, Chain, Customer. People can filter on a global criterion using th...
Data Discovery after updating and it being an application pool
Hello,We have updated our Targit to update 4 without problems, from summer 2021. There have been no problems while updating our service or clients, however our Data Discovery cannot read excel file...
Criteria Size
Hi Community,I am having a problem with one of our users client, where the criteria dropdowns, and by extension the expand/collaps in hte dropdowns, are very small making it difficult to use.Have a...
Custom Values for user dimensions
Hi,Im having a problem with custom dimensions, where some dimensions allow for the use of custom values and others does not. Do the dimension values in the datawarehouse have ti be a specific datat...
Excel format in scheduled jobs
Hi,I have some reports where the users normally just open them up in Targit and export to excel, is there a way to send the report as excel in schedule jobs---the only option for format is PDF. Do ...
Source Data Cube
Hi AllIs it possible to tell Targit which Cube it should always open as default when entering an analysis ?I am asking, as we have been converting Dashboards and reports to use data from a new Cube...
Updating files in Data discovery
I am having a problem with the files in data discovery not updating. The files are located on our datawarehouse server, though they can be accessed in data discovery using local file. To my underst...