Kristoffer Drejer
BI developer at Triscan Smartparts. Responsible for constructing, and maintaing the datawarehouse storing our cubes, and developing and maitning our Targit solution. www.linkedin.com/in/kristoffer-drejer-69669b74
Longitude and Latitude list
If you are in need of Longitude and Latitude for various cities, this directory have quite comprehensive lists of long and lat, grouped in files per countries http://download.geonames.org/export/du...
Sum hidden sub hierarchies / Cut down number of iteration pages
I have had a case where I had to disregard some product groups, when certain conditions on ItemIDs within the product group weren't meet. I think it might be useful for others as well, as the idea ...
Dynamic Changes in diagram depending dimension selection
I had a case where I needed a diagram to change dynamically depending on the users selection. In the following picture, only country is selected, and is compared to the whole of our company. I...
Show that drills are active
I have made an analysis with several layouts. Does anybody have a smart way, where I can make it apparent to the user, if they have activated a drill? For instance clicked Product Group in a diagr...
Trigger to specific layout in other document
Is it possible in maybe a newer verison of Targit to create a trigger for a specific layout in another document? We are currently running 2021.0 build 19216, as I haven't upgraded all old reports...