Lara Heinzel
Hi Niels, It certainly looked like it was possible, as you the option was in the view and you could choose amongst your shared userdimensions from within a new user dimension. But you're right, it ...
That was possible before that last update :(
Hi Marlene, Yes, Targit offered to double all our date hierarchies sorted in reverse order, but I still believe it would be useful to have as a standard function, which is why I put it into Feature...
Hi Marlene, You can do it with columns, as long as the columns aren't combined with calculated rows, or even just calculated rows. The problem is not for 1 set page, where only 1 version should ex...
Hi Marlene,Thanks, I usually just copy it down from the global criteria, but nice to know there is another way :-)
Hi Niels, It would be very helpful if you explain what the parts of the syntax you add, as everyone will need to adapt it to their own hierarchy. The syntax for the "real" hierarchy makes sense, a...
Is there anything to be aware of when calculating with levels? I can get it to work on coded measures but not calculated measures. The table contains sales data for the past 12 months, date hierarc...
Hi Ole, I didn't notice that one of the 52 weeks did return an undefined calculation, and thus the whole column became invalid for the min/max calculation. Thank you! I did however find another wo...
Hi again, I identified the issue: It can use min/max if the measure is not a division. It works if m3 = sum(0,0,m1) - sum(0,0,m2) It does not work if m3 = sum(0,0,m1) / sum(0,0,m2)
Hi Ole,I find this very useful, but I can't seem to get it to work on a calculated measure. If I use this: if sum(0, 0, m3) = min(0, all, m3) then sum(0, 0, m3) else 0 it comes back as undefined, i...