Karl Diethrick
TARGIT Client - Manage Server
What determines if the "Manage Server" button appears in the bottom right corner of the login dialog?On a client Windows Machine (not the TARGIT Server), I can create a shortcut as follows that ope...
User Dimension for Month to Date on Every Day Except the 1st of the Month?
We have a report with a User Dimension that has various members. To keep it simple, I'll focus on just one here, "Month to Date" The challenge is that this particular report never has data availab...
Hide Value at Total and Parent Level
Brand Points is a calculated column. I want to show it at the Report Code Level (for example, what's to the right of the bottom blue box). However, I do not want to show it at the Brand Level (for...
How to Hide Specific Totals (and the word "Total") in Subtotal Rows
Based upon other posts I've seen here, the documentation at https://community.targit.com/hc/en-us/sections/360004985238-Calculations, and in the TCE Student Manual, I think this is possible. I'm j...
Certificate Update Question
Hi, I had chimed in on another certificate-related thread in the past:https://community.targit.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/6191694499985-can-t-open-targit And I saw this one today, which is more c...
Scheduled Job Fails When No Data Present
I have a report with a single crosstab scheduled to e-mail daily, showing prior day's orders using TARGIT scheduler. If there were no orders the prior day, the crosstab is blank, and thus the sched...
TARGIT Designer Print Button
Just got to the "Simple Report" lesson in training, but the print button in my TARGIT designer does not work. When clicking, the dialog appears briefly, but then disappears with no error. When choo...
Failed Unknown User when attempting to run Scheduled Job with Windows Authentication
Lesson 6 Growth and Unit Price calculation analysis - Failed (Started: 5/28/2022 11:52 AM, Finished: 5/28/2022 11:52 AM)Details: Unknown user: [domain\myuserid] This user is valid and is the same a...