Mobile App versions

The TARGIT Mobile App can be installed on smartphones and tablets from the respective Apple App store and Android Play store.

Mobile App Name Matching TARGIT version
TARGIT Touch From TARGIT 2K14 to TARGIT 2018
TARGIT Decision Suite From TARGIT 2019 to TARGIT 2022
TARGIT Mobile 2023 From TARGIT 2023
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  • TARGIT Decision Suite is compatible with Android 14?

  • Hi,

    Same quastion here.

    Is TARGIT Decision Suite compatible with Android 14?



  • I have Android 15. On my smartphone I can verify that:

    • The 'TARGIT Mobile 2023' app is running fine.
    • The Anywhere client, in a Chrome browser, is running fine.

    BR / Ole

  • It seems like 'TARGIT Decision Suite' is not available any more.

    Instead there is 'TARGIT Mobile 2023'. 

    Which Targit version should we have in order for 'TARGIT Mobile 2023' to run?


  • The 'TARGIT Decision Suite' app is still available from the app store, but the downloaded app should match the TARGIT version you are running. Please see the table in this article that explains which TARGIT app matches which TARGIT versions.

    According to the table, the 'TARGIT Mobile 2023' app matches TARGIT versions 2023 and later.

    BR / Ole

  • Please see bellow.

  • Hi Nikos,

    Thanks for making us aware of this.

    It is correct that right now the TARGIT Decision Suite mobile app is available for new users only until Android 12.

    If you have previously installed TARGIT Decision Suite on your Smartphone (with a former Android OS) you will still be able to install TARGIT Decision Suite - even if you are on Android OS 13, 14 or 15.

    We are looking into the issue.

    BR / Ole


  • Good to know.

    Please send us any news on the matter when available.

    Best Regards,



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