[Cloud release: 2024.08.14]
[On-prem release: 2024 September]
[On-prem build: 24.09.03003]

Converts a long integer string to a 64 bit integer.

(string longString)
Returns long value based on passed value.
Example: ToInt64("100") returns long value (100).
longString: Required. The value of the long.


(string longStringbool isSafeCast)
Returns long value based on passed value.
Example: ToInt64("INVALID", true) fails with conversion error and returns a default value (0).
longString: Required. The value of the long.


(string longStringbool isSafeCastint defaultValue)
Returns long value based on passed value.
Example: ToInt64("INVALID", true, -1) fails with conversion error and returns a passed default value (-1).
longString: Required. The value of the long.



The two LongIntString values are formatted as strings in Excel ('12345678000000 and '87654321000000):

When one of the strings cannot be converted to an integer:

Using the 'isSafeCast = true' option to convert data despite incorrect format:


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