Ivan Ceskovic
Activity overview
Latest activity by Ivan Ceskovic-
Ivan Ceskovic created a post, Add Test Connection on TARGIT IMDB Data Source
When adding a Server Connection type for TARGIT DB there is no Test connection to check if the connection is configured correctly! Please add a button test connection
Ivan Ceskovic created a post, Extend list of available functions in TARGIT data modeler calculation editor and add syntax check button
Extend the list with all available functions with documentation in the Calculation editor. At the moment only 5 are visible while I know there are more available:
Ivan Ceskovic created a post, Possible measure formats in TARGIT Data Modeler
What are possible formats in Format of a measure: This is what we see, but are there options for percentage? Date? String? Integer etc?
Ivan Ceskovic created a post, VSCode autocomplete on table/columns that have spaces in them should automatically be encased in []
When autocompleting a table/column name that contains a space or some special charachter (e.g. (, ), - etc.) the table/column name should automatically be encased in []. If autocompleting within []...
Ivan Ceskovic created a post, VSCode Query contextual autocomplete
At the moment autocomplete offers all available metadata, but if I'm writing a select I want to see columns belonging to the table (or any tables) I have in the FROM statement below.
Ivan Ceskovic created a post, VSCode Query Window sync with Results window
It can be confusing then selecting another query window that the results window stays the same. When clicking on another query window, results window should change to (if there exists one) or just ...
Ivan Ceskovic created a post, VSCode plugin "Mapped folders" containing IMDBs
Sometimes IMDBs are not deployed to server but just saved to disk (as in intermediate step of the load process, staging DBs etc.). In Connections we could have a special "connection type" that woul...
Ivan Ceskovic created a post, Search box in Connections in VSCode IM plugin
If there are a lot of connections (> 20) it would be useful to have a search box that would filter the connections
Ivan Ceskovic created a post, Add OPTIONS; METADATA and PARAMETERS for the IMPORT command in Properties tool window
METADATA, OPTIONS and PARAMETERS is extremely useful, but unknown and undocumented feature of the import command. That would be used much more if exposed to users in a Properties tool window:
Ivan Ceskovic created a post, Sort columns in Connections pane of VSCode Plugin
Enable sorting columns (and tables) in the connections pane in VSCode plugin: - alphabetically asc/desc - by ordinal number (applicable for columns only) When doing select Select Top option either ...