Changelog 2023 December

Build: 23.12.11509. Release date: 12th December 2023.


The 2023 December version contains a number of new features, as well as bugfixes.

Noteworthy new features:

  • Named Colors. This feature allows you to create and name colors for use in your dashboards. These colors are automatically shared and can then be used across existing and new dashboard and report designs. Changing a named color will automatically change the color in all dashboards and reports using this color.
    Named Colors
  • Slicer objects. With the new slicer object it is now possible to take your portal design to the next level. You can now define a canvas object - the slicer - for canvas based filtering. The filter now comes into play as a design component with a rich variety of options. This will allow for even more agile dashboard design, especially in cases, where you might not want to make use of the criteria bar as part of the design.
    Slicer objects
  • Prioritized scheduled jobs. Prioritized scheduled jobs is a feature that enables you to prioritize scheduled jobs that are set for simultaneous execution. This allows you to determine which jobs are to be started first whenever resources are available in such cases.
    Prioritized Scheduled Jobs
  • Special handling of insufficient data. In certain cases when the underlying crosstab of a chart becomes completely empty (0 rows/ columns) because of visibility agents, the status will be Insufficient data to render chart, however it will be considered an error. If an object is set to 'Hide if empty', this special case will not be considered an error, but instead will be the same as empty result (and the object will be hidden). This means that scheduled jobs will no longer fail when this happens.
    Hide if empty - Hide objects if no data (see note in article)

New Features

Server and Client

Windows client Named Colors As a Designer user, you can now assign any color that you use in TARGIT as a 'Named Color'. Whenever you work with colors in TARGIT, you will be able to pick a color from the list of Named Colors.  This list is a shared list of colors among all Designer users, and it will help to ensure a consistent design of dashboards and reports, with recognizable colors throughout your TARGIT solution.
Windows client Prioritized Scheduled Jobs In cases, where a lot of scheduled jobs are set to run with a great deal of overlap, it is possible to prioritize jobs waiting for resources to run ahead of others. Particularly useful when certain job types need to run with a certain urgency.
Windows client New Slicer object The Slicer object can be added to any dashboard or report, and it will give the end-user easy access to data filtering options as an integrated part of the dashboard or report
Windows client Special case of "Insufficient data to render chart" seen as empty result In certain cases when the underlying crosstab of a chart becomes completely empty (0 rows/ columns) because of visibility agents, the status will be "Insufficient data to render chart", however it will be considered an error.

If an object is set to "hide if empty" this special case will not be considered an error, but instead will be the same as empty result (and the object will be hidden). This means that scheduled jobs will no longer fail.



Server and Client

Management Translations editor: Any metadata containing quotes (") will cause an exception.   
Server Role permissions do not work correctly for dimensions with hierarchies If default child permissions are set to 'none' on a cube, all the dimensions are no longer accessible. The bug is only visible on connections where hierarchies are below dimensions.
Server 413 Request entity too large when querying using complex criteria Very large requests - e.g. if the user has multi-selected a lot of members in a hierarchy (or used filter delegates) can be larger than the current request size limit. The request size limit in the TARGIT Server is removed.
Windows client When moving a folder, the content isn't displayed until refresh After moving a folder to a new location, content in that folder (e.g. dashboards) is not displayed until a refresh is made.
Windows client Job hanging in Scheduled jobs  In some cases scheduled jobs hang because of a cell measuring error in crosstabs.
Windows client Next run in scheduled jobs dialog is sometimes wrong Sometimes the date displayed in the 'Next run' column in the scheduled jobs dialog is set to a date in the past.
Windows client Crash when dynamic captions get an empty result Sometimes when a crosstab with dynamic captions get an empty result, the dynamic caption results are not handled correctly, resulting in an access violation. Typically this causes the error 'An error occurred while processing the result' in either the object in a dashboard or in the scheduled jobs log.
Windows client Scheduled job: Improve error message: System.String[] The error message 'System.String[]' covers the error "Criteria members not found in the database". This should be displayed in the scheduled job log instead.
Windows client Timeslider not responding to selected periods When expanding the hierachy on the time slider from year to month the time slider is not responding to the selection made
Windows client Metadata request failure is not displayed in UI When the request for metadata fails, the Smartpad Source data UI is just empty. 



Anywhere Error when performing drillthrough: 'Hierarchy not accessible' In some cases drillthrough gives the error "Hierarchy not accessible".
Anywhere Trigger with export other document to PDF is not working in anywhere When having a trigger exporting another document to pdf, anywhere will generate an empty pdf file.
Anywhere PDF-/Excel trigger for reports hangs  
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