[Cloud release: 2024.05.01]
[On-prem release: 2024 April]
[On-prem build: 24.05.03003]
Use the Targit.Commander.exe command line tool to copy documents between your TARGIT Server and your local PC.
You can use this tool for ad-hoc manual operations, or you can create scheduled tasks in your Windows OS to automate, e.g., daily executions of the TARGIT.Commander.exe.
Please note that this tool is only for Cloud based servers (where you don't have any other means of accessing the server's file structure), it can not be used for on-prem TARGIT installations.
The tool may be downloaded here (requires you're logged in to portal.targit.com).
Setting up Targit.Commander.exe
The Targit.Commander.exe file may be placed in any folder on your local Windows OS. Open a Command prompt to run the Targit.Commander.exe from the installed path.
Running the .exe file from the Command prompt will produce this overview:
Use -showfolders to also show empty folders.
Before the Targit.Commander.exe can be used to copy files to/from your server, you must set it up (once) with a Service account capable of reading and writing documents in the server's file structure.
Open your TARGIT Management client and go to 'Service accounts' to add a new account:
Set these properties:
- Name: Any name will work.
- Features selected:
- VFS access
- Access personal folders for all users (optional)
To complete the one-time setup of the Targit.Commander.exe app, use the setup command:
Targit.Commander.exe setup <id> <key> <server>
Where <id> and <key> (only one of the keys) are copied from the Service account properties.
Note: If the TARGIT server is a local server or an on-prem server, you must have a valid SSL certificate for the TARGIT Server. If the TARGIT Server is Cloud based, the https connection is already secured.
The setup configuration is saved in 'C:\ProgramData\TARGIT\Commander\Targit.Commander.Settings.json'.
Command examples
List files in server VFS
Targit.Commander.exe list
List files with specific extension, in specific folder
Targit.Commander.exe list vfs://global/*.xview
List files with specific extension, in specific folder - and its subfolders
Targit.Commander.exe list vfs://global/*.xview -recursive
Copy files with specific extension, from specific folder on server to specific folder on local
Targit.Commander.exe copy vfs://global/*.xview c:/temp/targit/global/ -recursive
Copy files with specific extension, from specific folder on local to specific folder on server - overwrite if exists
Targit.Commander.exe copy c:/temp/targit/global/Sales/*.xview vfs://global/Sales/ -overwrite
Delete a single file from VFS
Targit.Commander.exe delete "vfs://global/Training/Lesson 3 demo - Copy.xview"
Note: These events are audit logged, making it possible to track when and by whom the operation was performed.
Note: Settings and configurations for e.g., User dimensions, Shared colors, Translations, etc., cannot be copied with this feature.
You can also copy/paste documents directly from the TARGIT Windows client. See this article: Copy paste documents between client and file system
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